In history, you can find many examples of the two-party political system
ripping its society apart. It can divide a nation in half and pit brother
against brother. Sometimes, it can even lead to bloodshed through civil
The Roman republic experienced this with their two political parties, the
Popularites and the Optimates. It ultimately led a bloody conflict which
forever ended the Republic. Gaius Julius Caesar was a man of the people
and a member of the Popularites (equivalent to America's Democrats). Cnaeus
Pompeius Magnus, or better known as simply Pompey the Great, was a member of
the Optimates (equivalent to America's
Republicans). Julius Caesar too advantage of this deep-seeded division
and finally led his armies against Pompey and the Republic. Caesar won
the war and the republic turned to a dictatorship.
The American republic also had a civil war in the 19th century. The
two opposing political factions, the Democrats of the southern states and the
Republicans of the Northern states, found themselves at war. It ripped
the nation apart and many lives were lost in blood conflict.
Now it is the early 21st century in the United States and the foundation is
being laid for, yet, another civil conflict. Tensions are high with the
2008 elections around the corner. Racial, economical, religious, and an
onslaught of other issues divide the nation like never before. All
citizens hold some or all of these dividing beliefs. Individual
politicians, military soldiers, police, and the civilian populace are all
susceptible to acting upon their most cherished beliefs. If the
conditions are right, the United
States could be one incident away from
another civil war. It could be a collapse in the economy, or an offensive
political assassination that sparks the riots in the streets, which could
spread into the ranks of the military and police. The powder keg is full
and it could explode at anytime.
I'm not sure if the United
States can avoid the inevitable, but it can
certainly delay it. Americans must learn to coexist with one another and
to protect the civil liberties which are important. Freedom is the only
thing that can preserve the peace, but if one political party gains enough
strength to take away the freedoms cherished by the other party then the nation
will be one step closer to civil war.
Americans should be cautious towards Barack Hussein Obama and his obscure
and ambiguous plans for "change". Let’s see to it that America
never falls into a state of civil war again. Let’s preserve the union for
peace sake. Let’s be polite and respectful towards our brothers of the
opposite political party. Let’s have peace.