Dev Journal #8 - Sneak Peek at v1.1 for the The Political Machine 2024

Posted on Monday, June 24, 2024

Hello everyone, thanks for your support on the game, we hope that you’ve been enjoying what’s come out so far! For this journal, we’d like to use this space to show what’s coming out in our Command and Conquer update tomorrow.

We’ve been seeing feedback in regards to wanting to have more agency, additional strategies, and methods at your disposal. Between last update and now, we took a good look at previous entries and wanted to take influence from features from previous games and remixing it in a way works well with The Political Machine 2024. With that, we wanted to highlight two new actions candidates can take in this update - The War Room and our Endorsement system!

First up, the War Room! We wanted to give more control to our players in choosing cards to better fit their strategy and playstyle. As a result, a subset of cards have been removed from the decks and now made purchasable at any point of the game with funds!


The benefit of cards bought in the War Room is that you’re able to play them with no political capital cost!


As an added visual, when played on states, their card effects show up as unique units! That being said, not to worry about these units overloading spots on a state - we ensured that when there is more than 1 unit in a state, their effects are bundled into a building that represents their effects. This building can be targeted like a usual card effect.


Of note, decks that have upgraded versions of War Room cards like Cheersquad or Expert Intimidator will stay in their decks, and their upgraded status will be represented on a unit game piece.


Second, the new Endorsement system! In the same vain of the War Room, we moved group endorsements usage out from cards and made sure that they got a more prominent space in our game. Now endorsements are a race of raising political capital to purchase to claim first. Once claimed, it’ll boost importance and your issue stances of the specified issues to your favor. Once taken, nobody else can take it, so be sure to grab while you can!


With these additional actions, we hope we have provided more control and introduced more variety of strategies to your disposal to win the election!

We’d like to thank everyone again for your support on The Political Machine 2024 post-release!